Saturday, April 25, 2009


So been enjoying my time.. Jett had a big nap this morning 10am-12:15pm so we went out shopping afterwards.. I found a great deal on dish towels, 6 for $1.50 (that's only .25 each!!) and remembered this crafty thing I'd seen on a blog somewhere.. so here it is... baby shorts made out of a dish cloth... I'm pretty sure this will be the only time Jett with have them on. Expecially when Jayme comes home. he he he. Maybe they will fit on Keera's skinny but better :)

And.. this is what I am doing tonight....*ahhhhhh* ok I probably won't eat alll the mini eggs, but they were 75% off.. how can a girl turn that down? There was a whole basket full...but I restrained my self to the amount shown (well maybe i've eaten a bag or 2 already *grin*) (oh and I almost finished off the quilt underneath my treats. I just need to find big black buttons to put in the centre of each square and properly edge it and then another quilt is done! and this one matches one that I finished off in January (you can see a bit of it, Jett is laying on it in above photo)


  1. Cute shorts! The quilt is gorgeous as well :)

  2. Love the quilts! (And mini egg's) Enjoy your quite We're enjoying the girls!


  3. What a great idea for shorts! I'll have to google that :-) Love the quilt pattern, can't wait to see pics of it all finished :o)
    Easter candy... mmm, lol can't say I haven't been tempted when I pass by it in the store. Hope you enjoyed your evening!!

  4. Hope you had a good night. Looks like a good one to me!
