you're so smart... right it was me! I'm excited and a bit nervous, but I've been called to be the Relief Society President!!! Kinda a shocker but I love change!
I know I haven't updated in a while.. .just been busy! We went to Calgary for a week (well me and the kids) and Jay went on a well deserved boys quad weekend. He had a blast and we had lots of fun in Calgary. We got to hit 2 birthday's while we were there... Auntie Andrea's and Cousin Liam's! Fun times.
We have a few fun things planned this summer, a branch camp out (next weekend) family reunion and family camping vacation (last 2 weeks of July) and I'm sure we'll find lots of other stuff to keep us entertained! Oh and big thing, we are getting Jett sealed to us in the Temple in July!!
Well time for me to relax on the couch and read all my new manuals etc.!!