Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why Hello There Stranger probably what you are thinking..
Yes we are here, and alive.. just busy.. with what I don't know. And also I had a monkey on my back.. I do annual birthparents update, usually due end of March, but I was late, then we moved, then the postal strike, then I was lazy, then lazy a bit more. But FINALLY got them done and in the mail so I can blog guilt free (instead of thinking, I SHOULD be working on the update.) That is sort of like my sewing right now. My Mom's Christmas present in 2009 (yes 2009) was a quilt for her place in AZ. As of today, Aug 11th, 2011 it is still not done and I have such guilt about it! Uhg. I do better with small to med. projects. It really would take maybe 1/2 a day if I sat down and just did it. But that time frame translated in to 'with kids' = like a cajillion years. So needless to say I have a bunch of think i'd like to get sewing but I have guilt every time I go to sew something other than the quilt. I've made the odd thing, but they are just sit down get'er done projects (= less than 1hr).
Anyways.. so the summer has been good, really pretty busy and has gone really fast which is good as I was quite scarred the beginning of the summer, having 3 kids all day, everyday. But it's been good. Despite no yard, despite rain really almost everyday (REALLY!). We've been busy with swim lessons, company, going to visit family, camping etc. Now we are down to the last 3 weeks (3 weeks today actually!!) and I think yikes we haven't done a bunch of stuff I thought we would!
But truth betold, I am already anticipating all the stuff I can do when the kids go back to school (snicker snicker). Tues and Thurs afternoons, from 12:45m-2:45pm I will be KID FREE, 1st time in well.. ever! It will be crazy. You know what else is crazy? I'm already feeling like "ekk, am I really ready for Ella to be gone all day, everyday.. really that means her teachers/friends will be spending more time with her than her parents (well me!) It's kinda a scary thought! Yes she drives me crazy and gets in to tons of stuff and drives me crazy (did I say that already?) It's scary as a parent to 'let go' and not be there for them, to watch over and feel comfort in that you are right there, or will be back in a couple hours. There is so much that goes on at school and even I can remember back to those scary/sad times that you have at school and to think she'll have those and I won't be there. Well is kinda sad and scary for ME! aHHH the joys of parent hood.
So plans for the fall? Painting the girls bunk bed, "the quilt", maybe trying to get in some exercise routine (that is a whoooooole other post)
Well just wanted to stop by and let you all know what was up with us.. so now you know. Peace out.