Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What I Learned as a Mother Today....

that her daughter Keera has a tender heart.... my Mom's here visiting and she was checking on Ella who was playing outside (she LOVES outside, any time of year). She shut the door on her finger shutting it, not hard but enough that she said 'owe', I asked what happened, she told me. Unbenounced (sp?) to us, Keera was paying attention and goes up to Grandma "hug, hug" and gave Grandma a nice big hug on the legs, for getting her finger in the door. So sweet.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We're still alive...

...but busy getting ready for company, and well just busy with the day to day live of 3 young kiddo's!

Auntie E and her two kiddo's and rumor has it Uncle Wes and Uncle Scott too are all headed this way this weekend. Also Auntie Robyn and Colt will swing by on Saturday as they are up this way at a rodeo this weekend. And then on Sunday my Mom is coming too for 5 days!! I love having company!! So for Jett's 1st birthday this weekend we'll have a very full house! Guess I'll have to think of something fun for this birthday, yikes!

Nothing too new or exciting, well just Jett's birthday, and well company, those are both pretty exciting things. Besides that not much new. Jett is just so busy and ALWAYS wants to be crawling the stairs. He can even breakthrough my make-shift gate on the stairs to our bedroom. Jay will whip something up next time he as some time off.

Well it is lunch time... and the kids are hungry so I shall run..

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Only because it's been 4 days

So trying not it go too long between posts... don't have much to say...hmmmm what's been going on with us...

Today: Church, I had a Primary Board Meeting after that went pretty well (I think/hope)
Yesterday: Jay was home for 1/2 the day then got called to work.. He and the girls went to pick up our trailer in the morning and take it back out to the Hollands
Friday: Play group at the church, which again was just Heather and I. But she's good company so that's ok. I had to hire her daughter to be a van babysitter so I could go do 2 quick errands and not have to drag all the kids in. Actually worked quite well.
Thursday: ummm can't remember that far back.

Well i'm off to make super!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

5 Free Gifts

So this is making it's rounds on the blog circuit and.. and I think it's a great idea.. I'm up for making random gifts for my random blogger readers!!

The first 5 people to respond to this post will receive something made by me for you. My choice. Made especially for you.Of course there are some restrictions and limitations:~

1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It will be done sometime this year.
4. You have no clue what it will be... it may be a story. I may draw or paint something. I may bake something and mail it to you. Who knows?
5. I reserve the right to do something "different".

The catch? The catch is that you must repost this on your own blog (if you have one, please feel free to comment even if you do not blog) and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on their blog.The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did will win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me!!Oh! And be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!

Monday, March 2, 2009


So people say it's March already, though I'm tending not to believe them. It can't be March already. It seems too soon. Also that would mean my little man is turning one this month. Time is certainly flying by at record speed!!

Ella is really turning in to miss-independence these days. She wants to do her cereal by herself, her juice, well really everything. She really likes to help with baking, and sometimes gets too exuberant with wanting to dump everything in at once.

Keera's been a bit sick lately, just a runny nose and she was 'grumpy sick' on Sunday. She sure loves her sleep. When she's sick we put her to bed early and she just sleeps and sleeps. There was one day about a week ago that she slept in till after 9am! and that's going to bed at 7pm. I can't imagine her during the teenage years! She'll never be awake.

Jett can't get enough with exploring. Tonight in about 2 seconds he was on the dishwasher, pulling out the rack and going for a knife! and I was beside him the whole time. He is busy busy. I don't remember Ella being this busy, but I remember that Ella was defiantly busy.

Well I'm off to settle in for the Bachelor Finally! Just wish I had some pop in the house...