Sunday, August 19, 2012


So keera drew me a beautiful picture this morning, of how she has diarrhea... Lucky the picture was not graphic in any way, the impressive part was her trying to write the word "diarrhea" ( which I had to google as even my phones spell check couldn't figure out what I was trying to spell)

She is just going in to grade one, and from Ella being in it last year, they didn't even start phonetic spelling till the end of the year, well I can tell she made a pretty good attempt at the old poop word! So proud momma moment, writing the word "diarrhea"...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cast off!

So Ella's got her cast off today, I thought she'd be ripping around like nobodies business, but she's been very teary-eyed and guarded of her arm. She ended not going back to school this afternoon. I convinced her to take a bath and try and move it around a bit. Hopefully after sleeping on it, it will feel better!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ella's arm

So miss Ella finally broke
Something... To those that know her well, this really isn't a surprise, more a matter of when. She plays so hard and is always going/climbing/running/jumping etc. so it happened last wed, as the story goes, she jumped off the swings, jumping forward, landing on her arms, breaking her left one ( her dominant hand) just below the elbow. They estimate in a cast for 4 weeks. Today she got her pink one on!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

2 more!

So Ella let me ( with a bit of help from dad!) pull out her bottom two teeth, they were soooo loose! So now she is missing 3 teeth out front. It's so different to see her with out front teeth, and she has a bit if a lisp now too!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Make over

Tatum is here visiting/ helping with the kids (love it!) she did a make over on the kids... Jett of course didn't want to be missed!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So we found a great little hill a block away from our house! The kids love it, and it's a great size for them. We went this afternoon for almost 2 hours!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Another first

It's been a whole since we've had a child first in the house, well we got one tonight. Ella lost her first tooth! It was so loose, just needed a little tug from mom. She didn't even realize it was out - but when she did, she was in shock and wouldn't open her mouth for a good while. Now she's excited to go show off her hole at school !

Saturday, January 28, 2012


So blogger finally has an iPhone app. I live my iPhone, and that I can now blog from it! I may even blog more than FB!! I have all my photos on my phone do way earlier than before, forwarding them to the laptop, and doing posts from a finicky laptop with JavaScript issues!


So jett lives his pull ups. He wears them at night still, but is 110%trained during the day. But he still lives to wear them over his Jamie's after he gets up. He is even changing in to them during the day! He doesn't pee in them, so I guess he just likes the "feel" of them, lol silly boy!

Keera's 6th Birthday!

So our little Keera turned 6 today! I don't know why but 6 seems so much older/bigger than 5! We threw her a tinkerbell party. We made fairy wands, fairy headbands, played ring toss on to some potted flowers, and ate cupcakes- all to earn points to pieces of our treasure map. In the end we put the map together, followed the silly instructions (like doing jumping jacks, and climbing over furniture) and found the treasure (goodie bags)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's been a While

So it's a sign you haven't blogged in a while when I go to post, and it's all changed and different! I hate that (facebook!) So hopefully after I write this post I can save an publish it with out it getting deleted (another pet peeve).
So I don't really have anything in particular I was going to blog about, just realizing I love reading others blogs, and get so excited when there is something new to read (I really dont' read that many blogs) that maybe others feel the same and look forward to my mindless Mommie mumblings (ha ha I guess I got some rhyming skills for Christmas)
Sooooo....  what to tell you... ok only because they are at it right now.. Keera and Jett have a hate/hate relationship, man can they push each others buttons!! Jett's just getting to that younger brother bugging age, and Keera takes any little 'bug' to heart and it's a major break down. Uhg some days I think siblings are over rated. I do remember my brother and I going at it pretty good. Heck I bet ALL sibling recall at one time or another really having a hard time loving their siblings. But really SOMEDAYS... ahhhggggg. There are the occasions when they can play nice together, I hope those surface more often!

 ok so I just deleted that whole paragraph up there, don't know how, but thank goodness I could it the back button and it came back, whew, that was a close call!! Hold on while I go "save" this .. ok we're good.

So I finally got that quilt done for my Mom this Christmas, turned out pretty good I think, she was quite happy with it. And of course I forgot to take a picture, but i'm sure she'll take one once she gets back to AZ and gets in on her bed. It feels good to have that project off my table (litterliy). I have a couple other ideas I want to get started on. I think I am done my baking phase and heading in to another sewing phase, which is a good thing! I just need my sewing space back. Right now we are in the process of developing the basement so I have the kitchen table, but that is a pain. Hopefully with in say... 2 weeks??? We'll see :)

So ya, we're doing our basement. I was just feeling the main floor of the house was getting too cramped, it was where we were doing all our living. We have a bonus room, but it's outside the kids rooms so we never really used it. But in prepping for drywall (meaning making room for drywall) we brought all the kids toys upstairs and re-arranged the couch and now.. I LOVE IT, we spend the day up here, it's so nice to have a change of space. We have a small (like 12-14") tv with dvd player we got free from our neighbours and some of the toys (others are in their rooms ) It's actually nice having a small tv as I find it doesn't become the focus of the room, it can be on but the kids often will play with their toys more than watch it. Where as if it's our huge what ever inch TV then it's like a magnet they get drawn in to. So i'm thinking the downstairs will be a bit more a grown up TV area with minimal to no toys (ya!) I have plans to make it a "modern western" theme.

Oh and something we are trying (2 days now) is from 6pm to 7pm no electronics (no tv, ipods, phones, computers ect) it's our family hour. 1st we do our chores (tidy toys, put away laundry if needed, cleaning aprox 20min) then we do a game of some sort. Mon night we did FHE so I taught a mini version of my lesson from Sunday and we made CTR shields. Last night we folded laundry then played a princess matching card game then read 3 stories. I am really enjoying it so far, and the hour actually goes really fast. We are defiantly a family who love their electronics so it's nice to shut them off for a bit and it's also feels good to have some quality time. We have never been great at FHE.. hopefully this will encourage a more consistent effort for it as well.

Well this has gotten pretty long, and well I feel like it's more just a blabbering of me than any specificity post. Oh well.