Tuesday, April 6, 2010

More Ella-isms...

So on Monday night we went to DQ after supper for Jayme's b-day. We all had our treats and were in our booth backing on to the area where people line up to order. There was a middle age guy come in and line up, he's right by us, and is kinda watching the kids, cause they are cute and all :). (but not in a creepy way).

So Ella turns and notices this guy glancing at us, turns around and says in a loud voice, gesturing to the man, "Mom, is this guy bugging us?"

I was so embarrassed, and so was this guy. I don't know to laugh or what. I loudly told Ella "No" and that was rude what she said. and the moment was over. but I still laugh and feel embarrassed. What are kids for eh?


  1. oh that is cute and embarassing at the same time.

  2. lol... oh the things our kids say to make us want to sink into the floor. I had a teacher that was in line once at the store and her 2-3 year old goes "Mom, why does that lady have blue hair" about an elderly lady. my teacher wanted to die! lol
