Friday, June 18, 2010

No More...

No more plus size shopping for me! I'm very proud to say I went to a "regular" store and tried on "regular" sizes and they fit!!! Well probably 5-10lbs before I can wear them in public but I can get them on and done up. It has been YEARS since I've been able to do this.


I'm trying not to over run my family blog with weight loss stuff, but this was pretty monumental for me. + my Sister helped me pick out a couple new outfits that she assures me look good. I still have a hard time believing it. But I'll go with it :)


  1. Full body shot in said clothing please. :) haha Just kidding, but that is totally awesome Lara! Good job!!!!

  2. Way to go girl!! Can't wait to see the new, more fabulous You in a month!!

  3. Well done! must be a great feeling, you have really achieved something, keep it up!!
    Sorry its taken me so long to get back to you, I've completely neglected my blog...until now!

    In answer to your questions, do you use your own heart rate monitor or the ones on the machines? The machine monitors aren't always 100% accurate. Also, the fitter you are the higher your max heart rate is, so don't worry, max heart rate and the danger zones are worked out buy 220-your age.

    A 40 year old sedentary woman will have a lower max heart rate than a fit active 40 year old woman. The general danger zones are an indication mainly for new users so that they avoid over working their heart.

    2. Every body is different, so resistance training may not be for you. I'm not sure what your regular eating habits are or if they differ when resistance training as it does increase your metabolism, potentially increasing your appetite, or wether you limit your cardio when you train with resistance. Ask a gym Instructor in your gym for tips and advise on resistance training as it will be easier for them to discuss the best exercises for you face to face :)

    Keep up the awesome work your doing great!

