That's exactly what I feel like this morning. Makes me reminisce and wonder how I was a mother to newborn babies. Uhg. Jett and Ella both woke up at 2:30am. Ella had a fever (prob. from her vaccinations done on thurs) and Jett, well who knows why he was awake. I'm guessing one was up first and I didn't hear them and they woke the the other up. This is the second time, since Jett was 10m old. That he's woken up in the night. He just never does. The girls don't either, unless they are sick, or if Ella had an accident. Ok getting off track a bit here. That happens when you are sleep deprived. So as I was saying they both were up at 2:30am.. so I had to take Jett up to Jayme so I could deal with Ella. I had to go dig thru our downstairs medicine cabinet for Tylenol, thank goodness we had a spare. Also had to root around in the messy basement for Jett's sippy cup as that is the only way I assume he'd go back to sleep with out a huge fight. But when I went downstairs, Keera's on her way up, crying. On the best of days it's a stretch to figure out what she's saying but add in the factors of middle of the night, and crying. Couldn't figure it out, but she seemed fine so I assume the others woke her. Get her tucked in and calmed down and back on the hunt for the sippy cup. Find it, Jay gets Jett back in bed, though he's not happy to be there. Ella talks us (me) in to sleeping in our bed. This RARELY happens but the cuddles are nice and she was so warm it was sleeping with a hot water bottle, I was toasty warm. Problem was everybody was pretty awake from all the commotion, and Jett was making it clear he did not want to be in bed. He banged on his door again at 3am and 3:30am then finally settled down. Last time I remember looking at the clock was at 4am. Then Jay's alarm goes off at 6:30am. I can't remember the last time he set his alarm... ahhhhhggggg. So of course that wakes Ella up and starts my day. Glad I don't have big plans today, just finishing up some baking, CLEANING, and working on my talk for Sunday.
It makes me appreciate the stage my kids are at, that they do sleep thru the night. Just one night of getting up in the middle of the night makes you remember how zombie like you feel when you are getting several times a night with babies! So glad I sleep trained them young'ish and that they are good sleepers!
as a side note, last night before I went to bed I was watching tv and then just started thinking about how good sleepers my kids are and how thankful I am for them sleeping thru the night, and how glad I was that they've never all gotten up in the night ect.(seriously!) then I thought, oh crap I gotta stop thinking this or i'm just asking for trouble. So yes I had a little chuckle to myself when I rolled over and saw the clock at 2:30am and heard at least 2 of my kids!
It makes me appreciate the stage my kids are at, that they do sleep thru the night. Just one night of getting up in the middle of the night makes you remember how zombie like you feel when you are getting several times a night with babies! So glad I sleep trained them young'ish and that they are good sleepers!
as a side note, last night before I went to bed I was watching tv and then just started thinking about how good sleepers my kids are and how thankful I am for them sleeping thru the night, and how glad I was that they've never all gotten up in the night ect.(seriously!) then I thought, oh crap I gotta stop thinking this or i'm just asking for trouble. So yes I had a little chuckle to myself when I rolled over and saw the clock at 2:30am and heard at least 2 of my kids!
I'm sorry.... and glad you remember why I'm such a zombie ;) Ian got Hailey last night at 12:30, I got the 2:30 and then couldn't bear to get up again at 3:30 so I ignored her and she went back to sleep without too much trouble. I just need to ignore her everytime. After Christmas this insanity WILL end :)
ReplyDeleteOh Lara i saw on my blog that this one was updated but i did not look at who's it was then i started reading and thought oh my heck they have the same names as Jayme and Lara's kid's. Duhhh then it got to Jayme and thought ï'm such a idiot!
ReplyDeleteNight's like that really do make you greatful for the good sleepers they usually are eh!! So glad we are out of that faze for the most part! Love having good sleepers!