So I woke up at 2am to all the kids up, TV on, comp. on, lights on, just happy as can be. I was not happy, at all. Who know's how long they had been up. So get them all back in bed. 4am, same thing!! + lights on downstairs. So in reality they probably did not go back to sleep. Get them all back in bed, with STRICT instruction to stay there.. (ya right) 4:30am after a quick doze by me.. I hear something again, not so many lights on this time, actually only the girls, with the door close, open it and Jett's in there too, and the room is a DISASTER.. So not a happy Mom.. get Ella down in her bed, Jett in his and put Keera in my closet, as obviously they were not going to sleep together.. Finally they went to sleep. Actually Keera slept till 8:20am, Ella 8:35am and Jett was up when Keera got up so not sure when he was up. (they usually up 6-6:30 these days, which I'm not crazy about either)
So that was the exciting night at the Gibb household last night. If our neighbors where up I'm sure they wonder about the hours we keep!
I was wondering how the girls sharing was going? That doesn't sound like a fun night. You must not be scary enough if they went out and did it again ;)