Saturday, April 25, 2009

5am vs. 6:30am

I lucked out and got the 6:30am... unfortunately Jayme got stuck with 5am. YIKES! I would not be a happy camper! + the girls didn't get to bed till 11:30pm last night. Can we say early naps??? They were probably excited when they woke and found out they were sleeping beside each other, a first for them, and it confirmed our suspicions this will not work for another year or 3.

So you know what I am enjoying the most so far? the PEACE and QUIET. Oh how I've missed that. and also just the calm energy in the house when there isn't a 3 and 4 year old tearing thru the house, fighting over toys and yelling at the top of their lungs. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Well I'm off to stock up on microwave meals. I'm sticking to my guns. I'm not cooking. or baking. We need bread but I might break down and BUY some (haven't done that since I got my Bosch from Jayme for Christmas!)

ta ta for now....

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