Saturday, May 16, 2009

Potato Salad...

So if you are a relative, on Jayme's side, then I'm sure the first thing you thought of when you read my title is Grandma Hough's potato salad; it's the BOMB.

So I thought I'd give it a go and make it for our Church potluck tomorrow. I feel like I'm pretty proficient in the kitchen so shouldn't be too hard... well. .. how many times have I called Grandma over the last 24hours? Seriously alot! I'm kinda a stickler for details in recipes and she gives recipes like I give them (a taste of my own medicine I guess). I'll have to give her credit. I never really knew how much effort went in to one of her big bowls of potato goodness. But now I know.

It might of helped if I didn't try to do a massive about, using 10lbs of potatoes and 14 eggs. And who knew that Super stores eggs would be so fresh that they would not peel!! What a pain. So sorry Lloyd branch if there are some shell's in your potato salad tomorrow. I ended up having to mix it all together in my big roasting pan, with my bare (gloved) hands! (If you watch Diners Drive-ins and Dives then you'll know this is actually how all the good places it do it :) ). Jayme did taste it and said it does seem pretty close. At that point I was just aiming for eatable.

So hats off to Grandma Hough and her potato salad...


  1. Yes, Grandma's is the best but I'm sure yours is number 2....minus the egg shells!!

  2. Bahahah! I was laughing so hard. I did the same thing when we were in Texas i called a thousand times cause i did'ent know how much a squirt of this and a glob of that, actally was. Grandma really does do it by taste i guess. Mine turned out ok Im sure your's is better, but really i dont think anyone could top Grandma's.

  3. Mmm..sounds yummy! Maybe we'll just say the shells are potato chips :)
